Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG)
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (D365BC) offers a complete business accounting management system with real time information that helps in decision making. It has all the functionalities any business needs to manage their business and financials efficiently. It can start small and scale as when the business needs grows. The solution suite includes the extension which covers the GST and PEPPOL E-invoicing for both compliance and regulatory reporting required for all businesses.
CyanSYS Pre-approved solution packages under PSG as followed:
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central SaaS-Package A – D365DC premium for 3 users
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central SaaS-Package B – D365DC essential for 3 users
Announced at Supplementary Budget 2020, PSG will be enhanced to encourage enterprises to continue their digitisation and productivity upgrading efforts. The maximum funding support level will be raised to 80% from 1st April 2020 to 30th September 2021.